If you have a small business, saving money can be a great concern. You need to deal with everyday tasks in a more efficient manner. There should be someone who can be in charge of supplies in the office. You should know how to better control the budget of office supply. You shouldn’t neglect looking for better prices and there are cost-saving measures that you can take. There are various possible problems when you search for office supplies. You should know where to look for each item. As an example, if you want to get a dozen reams of paper and some replacement toners, you should already know where to look for them. You should evaluate what items that you have right now and make sure that you get the best options.
There could be various compatible toner and ink cartridges in the market and new models could be released recently. As an example, genuine OEM cartridges may not be the best option for you. Remanufactured or compatible cartridges could save up to 50 percent. If you regularly print plain black-white documents, cartridges with decent quality should be enough. However, you should still avoid getting poor quality cartridges, because they may fail to work properly. Even if you don’t get genuine cartridges, it is still possible that you get a 12-month warranty. You should also consider using recycled paper for internal uses, such as meeting and others. It doesn’t make sense to use paper with fine quality for regular internal tasks.
You will only waste money, when you throw away fine quality paper. For internal uses, it is also a good idea to print on both sides of the paper. During lunch, meeting and other situations; it is a good idea to put the computer into the stand-by mode and turn off the computer. It is a good start to turn off the computer and this will help you to save enough electricity. Another thing that you should do is to replace old computers in the workplace. When choosing a new printer, you should check the consumable costs, such as toner cartridges and printer ink. You should make sure that cartridges are efficient enough, to print more than a few hundred pages. The printer setting also allows you to choose lighter ink density, which further extends the lifespan of your cartridge.
A good quality cartridge could provide up to 2,000 pages of standard black-white documents. Bad cartridges could provide only 200 pages. When choosing a cartridge, you should do some simple math. The price per page should be low enough, so you are able to make each printed page more efficient. In general, inkjet cartridges can be a lot more expensive, compared to toner cartridges. They can be up to 6 times more expensive. Another option is to buy any office supplies in bulk, so you are able to save money. Sticky note pads, ink pens, toner cartridges and paper should be purchased in bulk.