There are many advantages to working from home. It’s very flexible because you can manage your time in the way that’s most convenient for you, without having to respect the imposed office hours. Another benefit is the sheer convenience of being in your own home while you work. You can have a snack anytime you want, you can have a break in order to brush your teeth if you’ve just had a coffee, and you can go to the toilet peacefully and not be grossed out by the fact that several other people use it regularly. Finally, working from home completely eliminates the pesky need to commute on daily basis.
Still, there are some issues connected with this kind of work arrangements. If you work from home, there are plenty of distractions to make difficult for you to focus. That leads to a lack of focus, which results in reduced productivity. Luckily, these downsides can be prevented. What is the solution? A good home office, of course. A well-organized home office can provide you with all the benefits of working from home, without leaving room for any of the disadvantages that go with it. But how can we make sure that the office is, in fact, efficient, and not cluttered and impractical? Here are the bare essentials.
1. A computer
The first thing on the list is a no-brainer. No matter what kind of job you do, you’ll need a computer for at least one aspect of the work. Make sure your computer meets your personal needs, and if you’d prefer a mobile version, consider getting a laptop. If you do end up getting a laptop, buy a separate monitor and connect it to the computer. That way, you’ll be able to set up the screen in the position best suited for you. Make sure you don’t have to look down on the monitor, and your neck will thank you for it.
2. A computer chair
A good computer chair is one of the essentials for everyone whose job ties them to a computer. It can make your life so much easier and save you a lot of backache and more serious potential back problems. Make sure the height and depth of the seat are appropriate for your body. Your knees should be at the same height as your hips, and the seat shouldn’t be too long, or you won’t be able to take advantage of the back support. The chair should provide good lumbar support, and the armrests should be adjustable, so you can take full advantage of them.
3. Plenty of storage space
In order to avoid cluttering your desk, you need plenty of storage space in your office. When you’re making initial arrangements for your office, make sure to provide more storage space than you think you’ll need, especially if you frequently find yourself with a lack of it. Always try to go by the principle of “a place for everything and everything in its place”, in order to avoid having to work in a messy office.
4. A printer
No matter what kind of job you do, chances are that you’ll need to print things out. Even if the only things you need are contracts and receipts, having a printer ready makes everything so much easier. Because you’ll need to stock up on toner and paper, you’ll make good use of that extra storage space we mentioned before. Make sure you use a high-quality machine and a good toner, such as Toner Ink, so that all your documents turn out perfect and without any smudges.
5. Adequate light
Light is another important aspect of a home office. Because at work we tend to stare at computer screens for extended periods of time, our eyes get tired, and we get headaches and problems with eyesight. Proper light can reduce the disastrous effect the screens have on our eyes. It can also lessen the problems with fatigue and headaches, so it pays off to think about the light in advance.
6. Stimulating colors
Color psychology has been around for quite some time now. Various researches have proven that different colors have different effects on our psyche. So, if you work with numbers, surround yourself with blue. If your job requires a boost of creativity here and there, purple may be the way to go. If you have to work long hours, use green because it’s easiest on the eyes and provides you with a sense of harmony and balance, so it can reduce the negative effects of having to do too much work. Learn which colors work for which scenarios, and adapt your workspace to your needs. Still, don’t overdo it, because too much of any color can cause more negative than positive consequences.
These are some of the very basic things you need in order to make a good office space. The rest is up to you and your particular needs and the requirements of your job. If you put a little thought in the creation of your space, it’ll pay off in the long run.